Assignment 3: Ferrari Front Bumper Relief Details
Tutorial - Ferrari Front Bumper Step 1: Mapping out the Shape from 3D Model or File Using the high resolution 3D Print (see Assignment 2) and direct measurements from the buck (using the middle piece as a centrepoint) map out the 5 shapes of the front bumper onto a piece of Aluminium sized to suit the flattened pattern of the bumper. Using a pencil draw on the aluminium 2 horizontal guidelines to match the upper and lower limits of the bumper. Step 2: Creating the Reliefs using Guides Guide Block: Using a piece of timber cut out a circle and square hole to match the drawings on the aluminium. [to make a square hole, drill out the 4 corners with a small drill and then use a chisel to gouge out the middle, the depth doesn't matter]. Clamp the aluminium to the guide block and place a blank block on either side of the intended relief area to avoid warping. Using a dowel and a square piece of timber (you may have to make these is if you cannot find...